Aura Quartz Tumble

Stunning high grade aura Quartz
Tangerine aura
Tangerine Aura unites the Base, Sacral and Solar Plexus Chakras to provide a cleansing, energetic flow throughout the body and to stimulate one's creativity. It aligns clarity, insight and perspective with strength to help the mind analyse and categorise
Angel aura
awakens empathy, optimism, and compassion.
brings understanding on a deeper level.
enhances memory, creativity, and intelligence.
awakens peace of mind and mental clarity.
it can help us be open to fresh ideas and concepts.
Rainbow aura
Rainbow Aura lends itself to clairvoyance and clairsentient uses, and once programmed can assist with developing aura or subtle body reading abilities. Rainbow Aura brings insight and healing to dysfunctional relationships, helping to release deep resentments, grief and karmic ties.